Ain al-Hilwe, Sidon, activists: extend Lebanese sovereignty over Palestinian camps, end political violence


The following appeal is from the “Development Center for Studies and Research” in the city of Sidon, the capital of southern Lebanon. It relates to the bloody conflict taking place in Ain al-Hilweh camp, the largest Palestinian camp in Lebanon, with a population of 70,000, including 45,000 Palestinians (the rest include Syrians and “various nationalities”!).

Notably, the signatories of the appeal are both Palestinians and Lebanese.

Two very important points in the appeal: First, the explicit call to extend the sovereignty of the Lebanese state over “Ain al-Hilweh” and the other camps, that is, to disarm Palestinian organizations in Lebanon. This call was first made, a few weeks ago, by the PLO. It is not completely new, nevertheless it is a “historical event”!

What is the Lebanese State and its Army waiting for?

Personally, I suggest going further to question the existence of “refugee camps” (armed groups in Jennin camp; Gaza and the West Bank camps) in areas and towns under Palestinian authority!! How can a Palestinian be a “refugee” in his own “country”?

What do our readers think?

Secondly, the appeal expresses “opposition to violence, and our condemnation of anyone who calls for it, regardless of the reasons and justifications.” This “big talk” is uncommon in Arab political literature, which often considered “weapons (missiles? “assassinations” and “silencers”?) as “decorations for men” (Assilah zinat arrijal)! Or, in its Stalinist translation, “power comes from the barrel of a gun”).

“The Che is dead!” Long time ago…!

Pierre Akel


Lebanese and Palestinian activists in Sidon, South Lebanon, made the following appeal to Lebanese authorities with a view for the salvation of Lebanon and the survival of Palestinian refugees.


The appeal stated: “The violence we are witnessing in the city of Sidon and the Ain al-Hilweh camp is destroying the experience of coexistence that has continued since 1948, augurs more pain, and calls on us to declare our opposition to violence, and to condemn everyone who calls for violence, regardless of the reasons and justifications.

The Lebanese and Palestinians have both paid heavy prices over the past decades, and harsh experience has taught them that unity in severe crises is a necessity, not an option.

Therefore, we address this appeal to the Lebanese and Palestinian legitimate authorities in order to accomplish the task of extending the sovereignty of the Lebanese state over the Palestinian camps, in cooperation with the local Palestinian leadership and its authorities, which have announced their acceptance of this task.

What we call for is preventing the use of Palestinians in Lebanese internal tensions or in regional disputes, and cooperation between Lebanese legitimate authorities and Palestinians to produce solutions to their basic problems including their struggle to secure their right to return in accordance with UN Resolution 194.

As we address this appeal to the Lebanese people and to the Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon, we call on the political forces and civil society organizations of the two peoples to continue working for the salvation of Lebanon under State Sovereignty, and for the survival of Palestinian refugees and their protection from violence and displacement.”


ناشطون فلسطينيون ولبنانيون: لِتَبسط الدولة سيادتها على “عين الحلوة”والمخيمات   

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