Metransparent Exclusive:
Sources in Syria revealed to Metransparent that South African authorities had, recently, vetoed an official Syrian request to buy 1000 sniper guns. Syrian military authorities claimed the guns were destined for counter terrorism units, but the South African National Conventional Arms Control Committee was, apparently, not convinced.
The decision to buy sniper guns, sources added, had been taken in the aftermath of discussions between Syrian authorities and representatives of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IGRC) on the “lessons” learned during the crushing of the 2009 protests in Teheran and other Syrian cities.
Amazingly, the discussions between the Revolutionary Guards and Syrians authorities took place in June 2010, a few months before the start of the wave of revolts in Arab countries!
Maher Assad’s role
Syria, however, did manage to buy 1000 snipers in the black market. The intermediary used was the Aleppo businessman Mr. Soulieman Mahmoud Marouf known for his activities of money laundering in favor of Syria’s Intelligence Services. Mr. Marouf, along with Mrs. Mohamed Hamshou and Khaled Kaddour , had founded the Al-Shahba Telecommunications Limited , a screen company controlled by Maher Assad, brother of Syria’s president and commander of the Republican Guards.
Maher’s role in acquiring sniper guns confirms his master role in the activities of official thugs, known in Syria by the term Shabiha. Such thugs can be seen, dressed as civilians, alongside military forces, in all the confrontations with protestors. Videos on youtube show some of the Shabiha taking positions of rooftops of official buildings.
In an earlier exclusive report, Metransparent revealed that Maher Assad had acquired 10 000 pump action shotguns in Lebanon’s thriving black market. Such weapons are very lethal when used at short ranges against protestors.