Hezbollah’s Internal Problems: A Vision of a Party Drunk with Power


Time Magazine, a very credible media source, published an article in which an interview by the Magazine correspondent Nicholas Blanford with one of the four suspects in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination was added Thursday.

Blanford later denied having conducted this interview after he was interrogated by General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza.

Regardless whether the interview did take place or not, Time Magazine did shed light on a number of issues that have been long forgotten.

Does anybody remember the rumors about problems occurring between two of Hezbollah’s key leaders regarding its vision in the near future, and the way to show their power on Lebanese soil?

What if there are two visions among Hezbollah, where one is about calming things down and not showing the extent of the power unless necessary, while another is about getting drunk with the power of arms which gives them ease in taking over the whole country?

What if Hezbollah is having major internal rifts among its ranks that might have actually led to this leak, just to prove that not even the international community will be able to get their hands on these suspects, and thus giving a challenge that will endanger Lebanon?

What if they think that they are powerful enough to stand in the face of other countries even, and thus came the “in your face” interview.

What if the Hezbollah armed forces seen recently in Dahyeh patrolling the area at night are but protection from one another?

What if the recent explosions in Dahyeh are “revenge operations” where Hezbollah members are targeting each other?

Lebanon’s history has proven that the discipline of an armed party will sooner or later become chaos. Members will have big problems among themselves. And history has proven that the best way to remain an entity in Lebanon is to surrender the weapons, change the vision of the future bearing in mind all citizens and different points of views, and most importantly, admit and apologize on the crimes that were done and hold responsibility for these actions.

Only then will you be seen again as a resistance.


* Beirut

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