Syrian pilots commanding Libyan Migs against insurgents


Opposition sources in Libya have confirmed that a Syrian pilot was at the command of the Libyan fighter downed near Ras Lanuf. Both the pilot and his Libyan assistant were killed when the fighter crashed.

In its Wednesday edition, Intelligence Online had confirmed that Damascus had authorized its pilots, present in Libya for training purposes, to replace Libyan pilots some of whom had defected to join the rebellion, and to participate in bombing missions.

A credible source in Paris now claims that another group of Syrian pilots has been recently sent to Libya.

Last week, Metransparent had revealed that Algeria sent three military transport planes to Libya at the request of Qaddafi. The planes were to be used to bring African mercenaries to join Qaddafi forces.

On the crash of the Libyan Mig, view Video by the French TV5:

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