May 2009
Introduction by Front Line:
This is a summary of a study conducted by Mazen Darwish from the Syrian
Centre for Media & Freedom of Expression. The study lists the names of more than 400 activists from different parts of Syria who are subject to travel bans, among them 101 human rights defenders, 75 of whom have been identified as members of 12 different human rights groups, including 20 women. The study sheds light on travel bans in relation to the Syrian constitution and law and in relation to the political climate since 1976.
Front Line, the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights
Defenders, considers travel bans as a major obstacle to the work of human rights defenders and has raised many cases of such a nature in Syria. We are very pleased to be able to publish an English summary of the report in order to try and gain greater attention for this important issue.
Read the full report