Pakistan laughs off Indian evidence of Mumbai attacks


LAHORE: Denying international media reports that Islamabad has lauged off the Indian evidence about the Mumbai terror attack, the Pakistani foreign office spokesman Mohammad Sadiq has said the concerned authorities are examining the data and Islamabad would give its feedback after a thorough scrutiny of the material.

However, going by the Pakistani authorities’ reaction they have given from time to time pertaining to the Indian allegations, it seem they are still not ready to admit the involvement of a Pakistani hand in the Mumbai carnage. Pakistan has reacted strongly to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s accusations that official agencies backed the Mumbai attacks, saying such remarks are meant to malign Pakistan and would only serve to raise tensions in the region.

The Pakistani foreign office issued a strong worded statement Tuesday, accusing the Indian leadership of embarking on a propaganda offensive instead of making a serious effort to track down the Mumbai attackers. The foreign office spokesman had issued the statement after a lengthy meeting between President Zardari and Prime Minister Gillani at the presidency. The statement said that the government categorically rejects ill-timed allegations levelled against Pakistan by Indian Premier in New Delhi. “Instead of responding positively to Pakistani offer of cooperation and constructive proposals to nail down those responsible for the Mumbai attacks, the India leadership has chosen to embark on a propaganda offensive,” the spokesman said. It will not only ratchet up tensions but occlude facts and destroy all prospects of serious and objective investigations into the Mumbai attacks”, the statement said.

Earlier, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani called on President Asif Zardari and both the leaders discussed Indo-Pak tension and steps taken by Pakistan to de-escalate the situation. According to official sources, Zardari and Gilani agreed to carry out a credible investigation of the evidence provided by India about the Mumbai attacks. The two leaders maintained that strict action would be taken against any group found involved in the Mumbai carnage. President Zardari said Pakistan condemn state sponsored terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. But he also added in the same breath that Pakistan’s armed forces were ready to foil any attempt of misadventure. President Zardari termed statement of Indian Prime Minister Singh ‘baseless’ and ‘unfortunate’ saying India wanted to gain some other motives from such propaganda.

1- As far as Ajmal Kasab’s confessional statement in his own handwriting about his village, parents and training in Pakistani camps is concerned, the Pakistani interior ministry sources reject he is a Pakistani on the ground that his name does not figure in the National Data Registration Authoirity’s official record. This is despite international media reports that Kasab’s father has acknowledged his being his son and Faridkot residents have confirmed that he comes from their village.

2- As far as the identities of the nine dead terrorists are concerned whose pictures and other details have been provided to Pakistan, the interior ministry sources say four of the five faces are badly mutilated and, therefore, hardly identifiable. They say the data provided about their demographies by India is insufficient. Even otherwise, they add, the names of four of the five alleged attackers (Abu Ali, Abu Sohaib, Abu Umer and Abu Aksa) make them sound like Arabs and not Pakistanis

3- As far as details of conversations the attackers had during their operation with their handlers in Pakistan by satellite phones and Voice Over Internet Protocol is concerned, the interior ministry sources wonder as to how could their voices be treated as proof when they are no mor alive. Asked about the intercepted voices of Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah, the Pakistani sources say they still need to be verified by the Pakistani side.

4- About Indian claim that AK-47 rifiles, 9-mm pistols, Arges brand explosives, 16-inch knife used by Mumbai attackers have been traced to Pakistan, the interior ministry sources say it is no big deal to doctor such an evidence as Pakistan can produce Indian arms and ammunition anytime.

5- About items used by terrorists like a scarf, pants, detergent power, milk, tooth paste, shaving cream, face creams with Pakistani markings, the interior ministry write off this evidence as ridiculous, saying grocery items and cosmetics being manufactured in India are easily available in street shops of Pakistan ans same is the case with the Pakistani items.

6- About the sea route taken by the terrorists from Karachi to Mumbai, recovred from the hijacked Indian boat that brought them to Mumbai, the interior ministry sources laugh off this evidence too, saying it is almost impossible for someone traveling for the first time from one sea shore and to make it to the other with the help of a mere map.

7- About the phone number of the Karachi landline of the Lashkar commander Muzzamil that India says was found on the satellite phone in Kuber, the interior ministry sources say you can dial any number anywhere across the globe if you have a settalite phone and an intention to implicate Pakistan.

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