Lebanon’s Wine Country


Lebanon’s wine production dates back to biblical times, but its modern winemaking is only starting to attract attention — impressing foreign visitors with everything from bold Cabernet-Syrah blends to crisp white Sauvignon Blancs and Chardonnays.

The country’s wine industry struggled during the 15-year Lebanese civil war, from 1975-1990, but in recent years it has been growing at an impressive rate. Some 30 winemakers operate in Lebanon, more than double the number that were producing in 2005. Now, hoping to capitalize on the success of their wines in the Middle East as well as in foreign markets like the U.K. and France, Lebanon’s vintners are building a fledgling wine tourism industry around their picturesque vineyards in the Bekaa Valley.

“The idea is catching on. In the next five years, at least 10 more producers will set themselves up,” says Michael Karam, author of the book “Wines of Lebanon.” “There are enough small plots of land for people to set themselves up as small producers. It fits in with Lebanon as a boutique destination.”

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