Brotherhood defamation attacks against Egypt Democracts raise concerns in Europe


METransparent Exclusive

Diplomatic sources in the European Community expressed concern regarding defamation and slandering campaigns undertaken by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (supported by extremist Jihadi groups) against prominent democratic opposition figures. Sources feared that such defamation attempts expressed the Brotherhood’s desire to “eliminate” democratic forces standing up to the rise of an authoritarian Islamic regime in Egypt.

Christian businessman Naguib Sawiris has been one of the targets of such campaigns, along with Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Baradii and other prominent egyptians.

Sources pointed out claims made by members of the Guidance Bureau of the Brotherhood that sixty percent of protestors against President Morsi were “Christians”! The Brotherhood, it seems, is playing the Christian Conspiracy card to mobilize Egypt’s public opinion in its favor. The more so that its popularity was seriously eroded, losing 50 percent of votes, between the two major elections since the fall of President Mubarak, parliamentary then presidential elections.

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