Ali Zeidan to head Libya’s next government


METransparent Exclusive

Sources in Tripoli revealed that Libya’s National Congress agreed in a closed session on the name of Mr. Ali Zeidan as next prime minister. The agreement, which shall be made public in the next few days, comes as a consequence of the failure of Mr. Abu Shagoor to form a cabinet.

Mr, Zeidan, is a member of the Ashraf (descendants of the prophet) from Waddan. He served as a libya diplomat in India for two years, until his defection in 1980. He briefly joined Libya’s Salvation Front then joined Libya’s Human Rights Organisation based in Geneve.

Along with Dr. Ahmed Jibril, he played in major role in mobilizing international support for Libya’s revoltution.

Mr. Zeidan lived in Germany since his defection in 1980. In August, he was the favorite to head Libya’s newly elected National Congress (he won the highest score in the first round). However, the Muslim Brotherhood and other minority Islamist groups, objected to his candidacy on the basis of his double nationality (German and Libyan). The objection seemed as a pretext to eliminate Mr. Zeidan as an independent “liberal” politician who enjoyed the support of Dr. Ahmed Jibril.

Whereas corruption has been endemic in Libya, the more so after the revolution, Mr. Zeidan enjoys the reputation of an outspoken and honest activist.

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