Christina Lin
POLICY FOCUS #109 | April 2011
China has arrived in the Greater Middle East and appears determined to stay. Deeming access to energy too important to be left to market forces alone, Beijing, over much of the last decade, has prioritized energy as a matter of national security. From new pipeline and infrastructure projects to increased naval port calls, China has established footholds across Central Asia, the Four Seas region, and the Persian Gulf, stepping up its military ties to protect this “string of pearls.” Beijing has placed particular emphasis on countering Western energy partnerships with regional governments and aligning with pariah states such as Iran and Syria.
In this new Washington Institute Policy Focus, Christina Lin examines how Beijing’s increasing footprint is affecting U.S. and allied interests. The study offers in-depth assessments regarding the scope and intent of Chinese energy initiatives that stretch from Asia to Europe, including detailed maps of this “new Silk Road.” By tracing the recent trajectory of Beijing’s political relationships, economic initiatives, and military posture, the study offers recommendations on how Washington can counterbalance troubling trends resulting from Chinese actions.
To read the study go the the Washington Institute website
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