Mustafa Ismail under trial in a military court in Syria


Mutafa Ismael covered turkish affairs for Middle East Transparent. A summary of his case

The Second Military Prosecutor in Military Court in Aleppo has charged Mustafa Ismail of making plans and actions aimed at offending Syrian relationships with foreign countries and being member of an illegal organization aiming to divide Syria and join a new country. The case is number 394-2010, 13 may 2010

As a result of this decision Ismail will stand trial in the Military Court in Aleppo. The charges could be punished with one to five years in prison.

The Second Military Prosecutor in Military Court had rejected all the bail request submitted by Ismail’s lawyers.

Ismail was summoned for interrogation on 10 December already by the air force department of the Syrian secret service in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani (Arab: Ain al-Arab). He was then told to report to the head-office of the same security department in the north Syrian city of Aleppo. He followed this directive, but did not return. Where the Syrian security forces are holding the Kurdish human right worker at present is unknown.

On 16 November Mustafa Ismail informed the STP (Society for Threatened Peoples) that the State Security Service had interrogated him two days previously in Aleppo. This was for him the third interrogation within one year after 13 March and 3 October. Every time he was accused of making public statements on the situation of the Kurds in Syria. But he was neither tortured nor treated badly.

Mustafa Ismail was first arrested by Syrian Political Intelligence in 2000. Because he was participated in a TV program on Kurdish channel ‘’MedyaTV’’ and he was jailed for weeks in Aleppo. As he was called many times by Syrian intelligence, in October 2009 he was called by Military Intelligent Department and called by State Intelligent Department. Ismail now in Central Aleppo Prison after resulting disappeared for three months during which he is believed to have been in the hands of Syrian intelligence.

Ismail lives and works in the town of Ain al-Arab, 440 km from Damascus in the north of Syria. In his capacity as lawyer he represents many Kurds and Arabs who have been arrested on account of their activities of political opposition.

Mustafa Ismail was born in 1973 in Kobani (Ain Al-Arab), is married and father of three children. He is well known journalist, intellectual, poem, lawyer and human defender. Ismail has dozens of political articles and research and legal studies. Also he translated a lot of research and articles from and into Arabic. So many Kurdish and Arabic websites, newspapers and magazines published him articles and research which is characterized by political criticism, human rights violations in Syria and is interested in public affairs. Mustafa Ismail participated as guest in one of documentary films dealing with the social situation in the Syrian Kurdish countryside. Also Ismail was participated in many TV programs as reviewer political analyst and human rights on several Kurdish satellite channels, Mustafa Ismail, served as a correspondent for Kurdish newspaper “Azadiya Welat” that is published in Diyarbakir City the largest Kurdish city southeast Turkey. Ismail served as correspondent for Radio “Sydney 2000” Australia.

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