General Abdel Fatah Younes killed today in Benghazi


MEtransparent Exclusive

by Pierre Akel

What is going on in Benghazi, the birthplace of the Libyan revolution?

Metransparent has just learned that General Abdel Fatah younes has been assassinated today, immediately after his liberation. On his way home, General Younes was killed by some “unknown group” in Bengahzi.

Earlier today, MEtransparent had reported on Younes arrest by order of the Transitional National Council, which later rescinded the arrest order and released him.

Our sources suggest this crime could be a prelude for much agitation and even “chaos” in the rebels capital.


New: General Abdel Fattah Younes released under pressure from Benghazi factions

In a new development, the Transitional National Council at Benghazi has released General Younes under pressure from military and civilian factions in Benghazi. Some factions have called for the dissolution of the Transitional Council which, according to its opponents, issued the arrest order at the worst possible moment during the fierce fighting for the control of Bregha.

Sources added the rebel forces had to make a 10 kilometers retreat away from Bregha because of the confusion that followed the arrest of General Younes.

A source in Benghazi just informed MEtransparent of the arrest, at 4:00 am this Thursday morning of General Abdel Fattah Younes at Bregha, where the rebels are fighting a fierce battle against Qaddafi forces. A force composed of 80 military vehicles proceeded to arrest General Younes who did not put any resistance. The battalions led by Younes sided with the rebels.

The arrest order was given by the Transitional National Council of Benghazi on the basis of information about younes recent secret contacts with the Qaddafi government.

General Younes, born in 1944, was Libya’s minister of interior, and head of Libyan Special Forces, until the Februrary revolution. Following confirmation that Younis had defected to the side of the rebels, he was declared commander-in-chief of the rebel armed forces.

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